Monday, July 12, 2010


A tribute to perhaps the most beautiful urban sunset i have had the fortune to witness..!! Anything said would be an understatement.

With my gaze transfixed over the western sky... as the golden ball of fire, in its now diminished might slowly drowns into the horizon, nature reveals its painter within. It does not speak in words, but through elysian colours that have no rivals. Spread across the blue oceans above, the foam of clouds, with tassels of mauve and hues of peach; I cannot but feel, like a child - bedazzled by a carnival, lit up in his most fancied lights. A carnival though, so solemn, it makes him travel, and grow in thought; not of imaginary figments but in the art of an artist beyond compare.

The Chirping birds, the gentle echoing breeze through concrete settlements of lesser beings and the rustling leaves... all in a mellifluous harmony of sounds, resounding encomium to the greatest of them all. I feel everything around my being is celebrating its existence. Acknowledging its innate integrity with the universe; and thereby in some inexplicable way have intoxicated my self into a reality as blissful as paradise.

With each passing minute, I feel more and more dissolved its brilliance and enraptured by its benevolent presence. A gait so commanding of respect that it would be a sin not to notice such splendor. Sitting by the window, belittled and ecstatic, my words seem so unjust to the red rays of light that have traversed the vast expanses of space and time to illuminate a solitary eye into happiness and inspire a hand so unworthy. It has been a moment worth a million lives and a sight beyond expression. An evening that shall remain with me and a memory that will die only in the oblivion of my grave.

Nature ... Take a Bow..!!