Sunday, December 20, 2009


I almost thought i may not blog again. Fate compelled me. I hate fate. I like blog-ging.
iLike iLike.
Good Good..!
Let us say and sing, ‘Praise be to you, Oh Fate’
For all that you are: Mighty, Cruel and the ever so Great.
We, litters of the human creed: slaves of a greater plan
Stare and stand - oh you lesser sons of Misery’s clan.
What must I fight…? Whom shall I wrong…?
To the side of an unknown master I must belong…!
Shall I blame providence, fortune or an obscure destiny?
For what good is it, if doomed forever is my silent mutiny?
Tied and tamed in forged shackles of helpless Rage
Joys of the soul are but a generous Fate’s daily wage.
They say, our spirits are free: of bound and of boundary
But indeed, we shall laugh at a world stooped in vicious melancholy.