Thursday, December 6, 2007

Child of the greater caste

Ever since man has learnt the tricks of a trade called exploitation, humanity has cried foul of socio-economic and political subjugation of the child of the lesser man, the lesser God or the lesser caste. And now, may I have the shameful honor of familiarizing you to the latest in this lineage of the lesser sons of my dear old India; Say hello to the child of the greater caste, for whom, as a consequence of the recent reservations policies, studies got just a bit more of a riskier investment of both time and money.
Once, reading the Bible, a verse from the gospel of St. Matthew seized my notice. It read, “You are the light of the world.” I was now in reception of my first ever spiritual insight that God, quite literally, never lied. As an engineering aspirant, at an hour past midnight, mine is the only window in my neighborhood, which bears light into a night plunged in the darkness of night and the silence of sound slumber. In the awe of an examination called the JEE, I happily sacrifice what an English poet once called, “O blessed barrier between day and day.” Not that I chose to do so but that I have no choice.
When in his book “Five point someone”, Chetan Bhagat wrote about the IIT that – “If you lock yourself up in a room for two years and throw away the keys, you have a chance to make it here” he was not using hyperbole. However I may assure you that this is a mere taster of the rigors of an engineering aspirant in this country of a billion brains. But then, why should the policy makers, who move from one air conditioned ambiance to the other, be bothered as to why I toil twelve hours a day, breaking me head on Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics problems with no electricity to power my ceiling fan.
Nehru, in his Independence Day speech, said, “Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny…at the stroke of the midnight hour when the world sleeps, India will awaken into light and freedom.” Possibly, he may, for a moment have thought that the shackles of the British Raj that left behind India as nothing more than a plundered colony, had finally been shattered. Nehru today, must be in heaven but rest assured, not in eternal idyllic peace in union with the almighty, for in the present day, politics is no longer patriotism personified. Welcome to the neo-modern age of vote bank politics. Divide and rule at its dirtiest best. What has haunted India since 1400 BC is today nurtured and fostered under the perpetual tutelage of hands who’s skin is not white but brown.

Allen Jose George

(wrote this an year ago, frustrated at the resevations made in Indian higher education institutes)


PNK said...

Reservations are primarily meant to satisfy Vote Bank Politics. I agree. But, the other purpose that they satisfy is to bring about Social Equality. I am a Leftist in my political views and I believe that we must give the backward classes "a head start" because the forward classes will catch up. They always have.

Ravi Ratil said...

Whatever may be the reason for reservation but i think it is doing good for the so called lower caste and hey i am not a SC or ST but that is my thinking. You just imagine the torturous days of those people and can't we just do a favor for their upliftment.c'mon we can. let's give a chance to those people so that they can uplift their present status.

Ravi Ratil said...

1) Reservation: I agree with you on the point that why should a economically stable but backward student get reservation but I must say it is not possible practically (at least in the present scenario) to divide the people on their income basis and provide them with the reservation. For the time being (as S.C. and S.T. are truly backward with some exception ) should get reservation even if some economically better student ripe its benefit. For few rich SC's or so we simply can't protest against reservation policy but actually I am waiting for a new policy where reservation should be on the income basis till that let us continue with what is going on.

2)I am not against creating employment , but is it being done?
I dont think so.Let take the example of our country,it is totally interested in IT sector. Now you were talking of farmers, how the hell in the world can a farmer find a job in in IT sector.I must advice govt. to frame new policies regarding farmers as in the cost of buying their production,land ,cost of fertilizers.

Abhishek Rathi said...

well, my view is:
something is required to bring social equality... but why only reservations at UG and PG levels..? why can't the government ever think about giving them a headstart in the beginning stages of their education by providing better schools..? does it serve any purpose to put them directly between the elite brains of the country..?

Unknown said...

@Allen.........awesome article!!.....a literally beautiful piece of contempt!!
@reservations:underestimation of true capabilities of the backward castes.......if there is talent it needs no 'favors' to manifest!!..... unsucessful attempt to 'bridge the gap'......secularity and social equality,if taken in true sense,mean treating everyone at the same level.......n these 'reservations' make it more than obvious that 'those' people are not self capable of competing wid da rest!!...."veto"

Anonymous said...

This is an issue that doesn't really have any neutral grounds in it-as George W. Bush said-"You're with us or against us".Honestly,few can be expected to give an impartial opinion.Same goes for this post.I wish to make clear that I too,DO NOT support reservations,but I really can't seem to find a viewpoint that can see through both eyes.

What is clear though,is that something else IS taking precedence over talent-and that should never be the case.But how do we bring everyone to an equal ground? The rich can afford tuitions,the "Backward Classes" can have reservations,but how do we really make sure that TRUE TALENT gets what it deserves?The only answer to this is,in my opinion,complete governmentalization of the education system.Complete.Only then can we expect some change.This would provide ample scope for everyone-and not just the reserved categories.

Sushant Taing said...

One is Not Rich or Poor/Affluent or Deprived because of his Caste or Financial Status.

What our Politcians seem to Forget that our actual Precious Pride Pocession is our Intellect.